Posted: 19.04.2024 10:00:00

KGB Group A to have its own banner, with Lukashenko signing corresponding decree

On April 18th, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 164, amending Decree No. 459 On Official Heraldic Symbols of State Security Agencies (dated August 25, 2001), enabling to establish the banner of the KGB Group A and use it in official activities, reports with reference to the Belarusian leader’s press service

The banner of Belarus' State Security Committee (KGB) Group A consists of a double-sided cloth, a shaft with a finial and a banner support, and a cord with tassels. The cloth is made of cornflower blue silk banner fabric and is sheathed with golden silk fringe on three sides.

The Belarusian national ornament is embroidered on the edge of the banner, repeating the pattern of the ornament from the National Flag. The National Emblem is depicted on the front side of the cloth, with the inscription above it reading ‘KAMITET DZYARZHAYNAI BYASPEKI’ [translated from Belarusian as State Security Committee]. The logo of Group A is placed on the reverse side, with the inscription above it reading ‘PADRAZDZYALENNE SPETSYALNAGA PRYZNACHENNYA GRUPA A’ [special purpose unit Group A] and the inscription beneath the emblem reading ‘PERAMAGAT TAM, DZE NEMAGCHYMA’ [to win where it’s impossible].

The decree was adopted to preserve and develop the historical traditions of state security agencies, increase the responsibility of their personnel for the performance of their official duties.