Posted: 19.10.2023 11:23:00

Lukashenko: there will be sovereignty and independence if we have strong economy

There are more than enough resources for further growth of trade turnover between Belarus and Mordovia, while sovereignty and independence are possible if there is strong economy – as stated by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, during his today’s meeting with the Head of Mordovia, Artem Zdunov

“Our battles for our truth, prospects for development and right to be sovereign and independent continue today in the fields, factories, cultural and information spheres, in schools and universities. If we have these, then our economy will be strong,” the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stated that, last year, Belarus and Mordovia reached a record trade turnover of almost $90m. At the same time, in just eight months of 2023, that figure significantly increased: the growth rate stood at almost 300 percent, or almost $115m. “This is far from the limit. There are enough resources for further growth," the Belarusian leader stressed.

Traditionally, Belarus and Mordovia actively co-operate in mechanical engineering and metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry, electrical engineering and agriculture. Almost 15 percent of Belarus' fibre needs are provided by Mordovian imports. The President thanked the Head of Mordovia for the prompt assistance in providing railway wagons for the needs of Belaruskali and other Belarusian enterprises.

In turn, Belarusian economic entities export a wide range of products of machine and tool construction, chemical and light industry, agricultural raw materials and food products.

“The absence of bilateral production and co-operation projects is actually a clear gap in our relations, and I have drawn the attention of our Government to this. Actually, right now is the most appropriate time for the development of industrial co-operation – primarily, joint import-substituting industries and promising productions. Moreover, as I am reported, Mordovia is among the leaders in Russia in terms of the share of innovative products in the volume of industrial production," the Head of State noted.
