Posted: 16.02.2023 16:12:00

Lukashenko on nuclear power plant construction in Poland: it is their decision

Belarus will not react negatively to Poland's intention to build a nuclear power plant – as noted by Aleksandr Lukashenko during his today’s conversation with journalists


“We have no Duda or Morawiecki. We are not crazy, after all. If they wish to build a nuclear power plant, then they will do so – no matter how we react. Of course, we have not forgotten the hysteria of Vilnius and Warsaw about the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. Our present fugitives also supported them then. This is not our style of behaviour,” the Head of State stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko added, “We will not worry about that. So they can build if they wish. They have already torn off their masks in this regard. You shouted that it’s harmful and bad, when Belarus was beginning to build its nuclear facility. So why are you building it [on your territory] now? Moreover, Lithuanians have also planned to build a nuclear power plant for themselves, though I do not know why they closed their [Ignalina] station against the background that they lack energy and need to receive electricity from Russia through some northern streams. They are madmen. These people are temporary. They are not Democrats, and they are not dictators: they are time servers. They know that they will be kicked out of this government tomorrow… So let them build if they have decided to.”