Posted: 21.06.2022 17:36:00

Lukashenko congratulates Gustavo Petro on his election as President of Colombia

On behalf of the Belarusian people and himself, the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated Gustavo Petro on his election as President of Colombia – as informed by the Belarusian leader’s press service

The Head of State outlined Minsk's interest in deepening political relations with Bogota on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

“I hope your election as Head of State will give a new impetus to the interaction between our countries in order to more effectively realise the potential of Belarusian-Colombian co-operation,” the congratulatory message reads.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished Gustavo Petro good health and successes in his responsible state activity for the benefit of the Colombian people.