Posted: 16.02.2023 19:21:00

Lukashenko: Belarus needs no strategic nuclear weapons, as it has no plans to attack the US

During the President's communication with Belarusian and foreign media representatives today, he was asked of the country’s intention to re-equip combat aircraft in service with specific ammunition


“This process has been completed,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “Our aircraft are ready to transport special ammunition, and the pilot units have also been prepared. Why have we done that so quickly? When turning to that issue, we found that we had such planes since Soviet times, and they were ready to transport such ammunition. It took us little time to train people. Accordingly, we did not need to prepare aircraft.”

“Are you speaking of nuclear or strategic weapons?” a clarifying question followed, and the Head of State briefly explained, “Nuclear weapons include tactical and strategic ones, but we absolutely do not need strategic nuclear weapons. We are not going to kill Americans and launch nuclear strategic missiles from the territory of Belarus. When I became President, we transferred all strategic, most advanced nuclear weapons to where the Americans wanted – as you know. The Americans wanted us to hand it over to Russia.”

The President recalled the agreements signed at that time. “We had the most advanced Topol-M [missiles]. Actually, the most modern weapons were deployed here. We took it out in exchange for guarantees from the Americans, Europeans and Russians that they will never encroach on our sovereignty and independence, will never impose economic sanctions upon us. [The documents] read so. They [in the West] neglected that, and they are applying sanctions against us. They are strangling us, wherever possible, in violation of that agreement. If we had nuclear weapons, they would not talk to us like that. This means everyone understands the use of force only,” he said.

“We do not need strategic nuclear weapons. We are not going to strike America or even European countries. We are talking about tactical nuclear weapons – so that aircraft able to carry them are prepared,” Aleksandr Lukashenko summed up.